CLEANING IN PROGRESS - please forgive the mess.

The Field reflects our values.

Nothing I seem to do or know belongs to me.

I studied AI, philosophy and humanities, peace studies and psychology. I ran a few university medical centers and helped grow a small company to mid-sized multi-state health-tech company. Grateful for all the opportunities. My more detailed old business story is still available for a while. None of it was permanently satisfying. An interest in dharma (values and our duty to the community) as well being drawn to deeper understanding of Truth/Reality ultimately led me to Vedanta, the clear articulation of the scientific logic of non-dual Self-Knowledge.

Grateful to live in Northern California where Redwoods meet the Ocean. I enjoy answering thoughtful questions for people I can help, and playing pickleball and cooperative games with my wife. ​

Om Peace Peace Peace

Brian Mistler